Le ofioliti: isole sulla terraferma. Per una rete di Aree Protette (The Ophiolites: islands on the mainland. For a network of Protected Areas in Italy)
National Meeting Proceedings, 22nd - 23rd June 2002
By Andrea Saccani, 2002. Region Emilia-Romagna, Municipality of Fornovo Taro, Municipality of Terenzo, Mountain Community of Valli del Taro e del Ceno, Graphital, Parma, 468 pages.
If you are interested in this document , please contact the Natural Reserve of Monte Prinzera.
Ophiolites and territory: a new "vast land " system of protected areas.
Depliant by Coordination of Protected Ophiolitic Areas
By Coordination of Protected Ophiolitic Areas, 2003, Tecnografica, Parma. Available in every member Protected area, also in Italian.

Protocol of Intent for the establishment of a Coordination among the Italian Protected Areas characterized by territories with ophiolitic substrata |
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