
Books, DVDs, and Gadgets: Tourism

9 Items. Results from no. 1 to no. 9 (Sorting: Category > Item)


Item Author/s Publisher Category Price Online
 Carta turistica Parco Naturale Regionale del Fiume Sile
Carta turistica in scala 1:25.000
Publisher: Tabacco
(PR Fiume Sile)
Maps and Guidebooks8.00 €  Emporio Shopping Cart
enConoscere, scoprire, vivere il Delta del Po
(PR Delta Po ER)
Maps and Guidebooksfree Skim online through the publication 
Carte Carta turistica del Parco fluviale del Po torinese
(Aree protette Po Piemontese)
Maps and Guidebooks1.00 €  Emporio Shopping Cart
enTourist map of Turin Po River Park
(Aree protette Po Piemontese)
Maps and Guidebooks1.00 €   
 Vademecum del Turismo sostenibile
(PR Delta Po Veneto)
Books and other Publicationsfree Skim online through the publication 
 Guarda un Po che fiume
Videocassette VHS
Author/s: Daniele Gaglianone
(Aree protette Po Piemontese)
VHS and Audio Cassettes9.00 €  Emporio Shopping Cart
 Cartina turistica del Parco del Po Cuneese
Publisher: Parco del Po Cuneese
(PR Po Cuneese)
Maps and Guidebooks3.00 €  Item temporarily sold out at Emporio dei Parchi
 Guida della Riserva Naturale Nazzano, Tevere-Farfa
Guide to the services of the protected areas of Lazio
(RR Tevere Farfa)
Maps and Guidebooks  Skim online through the publication 
 Visitare l'Adda
Tourist catalog of the Adda Biocultural District
(PR Adda Nord)
Books and other Publications  

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