Quality Brands |
| Product | | Category |
| | |
| | Cocconato Robiola
(Aree protette Po Piemontese) | | Cheese |
| | Dry Tomino Canavesano Definition Dry Tomino Canavesano is a fresh and fat cheese based on cow's milk, with an acid-rennet ... >> (Aree protette Po Piemontese) | | Cheese |
| | Fresh Tomino Canavesano Definition Fresh Tomino Canavesano is a fresh cheese based on cow's milk, with an acid-rennet coagul... >> (Aree protette Po Piemontese) | | Cheese |
| | Hay Cheese Definition Hay cheese is prepared with whole raw milk. The rounds can weigh from 6 to 8 kilos, are c... >> (Aree protette Po Piemontese) | | Cheese |
| | Ossolano Cheese (or Mezzapasta or Spress) It is the founder of all the mountain cheese produced in Ossola and Sesia Valley. It is a fat cheese... >> (PN Val Grande) | | Cheese |
| | Rivalta Tomino Definition Rivalta Tomino is a fat and fresh cheese, with raw texture, produced with whole cow's mil... >> (Aree protette Po Piemontese) | | Cheese |
| | Saronsella Tomino (Chivassotto) Definition Saronsella Tomino is a fat and soft cheese with white texture, produced with whole cow's ... >> (Aree protette Po Piemontese) | | Cheese |
| | Val Grande Goat Cheese In the past, when the subsistence of the mountaineers living in the Alps exclusively depended on the... >> (PN Val Grande) | | Cheese |
| | Baldissero Torinese Peach Definition With the name "Baldissero peaches" we refer to and safeguard two different groups of peac... >> (Aree protette Po Piemontese) | | Fruit |
| | Brigna purin-a
(Aree protette Po Piemontese) | | Fruit |
| | Collina Torinese Plums Definition The hills of Turin and Chieri have been traditionally interested by the cultivation of a ... >> (Aree protette Po Piemontese) | | Fruit |
| | Isola Sant'Antonio Melons Slimy and clayey soils, abundance of water, and high summer temperatures create the ideal environmen... >> () | | Fruit |
| | Monferrato Apples If you think that the apple tree varieties currently cultivated are over 10,000 - almost all derivin... >> (Aree protette Po Piemontese) | | Fruit |
| | Pecetto cherries
(Aree protette Po Piemontese) | | Fruit |
| | Pom matan of San Sebastiano Da Po Definition Pom matan is an autochthonous apple variety of Colline Torinesi. Probably originating fro... >> (Aree protette Po Piemontese) | | Fruit |
| | Ramassin
(Aree protette Po Piemontese) | | Fruit |
| | San Mauro Torinese Wild Strawberry Definition S. Mauro Torinese wild strawberry is one of the many varieties belonging to the species F... >> (Aree protette Po Piemontese) | | Fruit |
| | San Raffaele Cimena Strawberry Definition The main strawberry cultivars, produced and marketed on the spot, have experienced over t... >> (Aree protette Po Piemontese) | | Fruit |
| | Trofarello Sour Cherry Definition Trofarello sour cherries are fresh fruits of the species Prunus cerasus, with a soft and ... >> (Aree protette Po Piemontese) | | Fruit |
| | Arquebuse or Alpestre This liquor can be called both "alpestre" and "arquebuse": the only difference is that the first nam... >> (Aree protette Po Piemontese) | | Liquors and Distilled beverages |