Item |
Author/s |
Publisher |
Category |
Price |
Online |
| | La Mandria Guide to the Park environment Author/s: P. Debernardi, M. Debernardi, G. Perosino Publisher: Edizioni Eda - Torino (PR La Mandria) | Maps and Guidebooks | 4.00 € | |
| | L'appartamento di Vittorio Emanuele II Author/s: F. Pernice Publisher: Edizioni CELID - Torino (PR La Mandria) | Books and other Publications | 7.75 € | |
| | 20 anni per il Bosco Vaj Proceedings of the meeting held in Chivasso on 4th September 1998 Author/s: Egap Collina Torinese (Aree protette Po Piemontese) | Proceedings and Studies | 6.00 € | |
| | Il Parco di Superga - I sentieri, gli itinerari escursionistici Map of Superga Park 1:10000 Author/s: Egap Collina Torinese (Aree protette Po Piemontese) | Maps and Guidebooks | 3.00 € | |
| | Il Sentiero degli Alberi Author/s: Egap Collina Torinese Publisher: Edito a Torino (Aree protette Po Piemontese) | Books and other Publications | 11.00 € | |
| | La Mandria - Storia e natura del Parco Unabridged edition in 3 languages Author/s: M. Lupo, M. Taglieri, C. Apostolo, E. Vaccarino, M. Debernardi Publisher: Edizioni Eda - Torino (PR La Mandria) | Books and other Publications | 45.00 € | |
| | La Mandria - Storia e natura del Parco Abridged Edition Author/s: M. Lupo, M. Taglieri, C. Apostolo, E. Vaccarino, M. Debernardi Publisher: Edizioni Eda - Torino (PR La Mandria) | Books and other Publications | 3.00 € | |
| | Info La Mandria The Park magazine (PR La Mandria) | Journals and Newsletters | free | |
| | Immagina il Po - Atlante del Parco Fluviale del Po Torinese 15 years of activities among places, plans, and good practices Author/s: AA.VV. Publisher: Alinea Editrice (Aree protette Po Piemontese) | Books and other Publications | 25.00 € | |
| | Le Reali Mandrie dei Savoia Territory, hunting, and horse breeding for the court and the army Author/s: Cecilia Laurora, Claudio Masciavé, Maria Paola Niccoli, Guglielmo Racca Publisher: Edizioni EDA (PR La Mandria) | Books and other Publications | 45.00 € | |
| | Nel Bosco sopravvissuto Nature in La Mandria Park (PR La Mandria) | DVDs, CDs e CD-Rom | 5.00 € | |
| | Guarda un Po che fiume Videocassette VHS Author/s: Daniele Gaglianone (Aree protette Po Piemontese) | VHS and Audio Cassettes | 9.00 € | |
| | Gray Sleeveless Waistcoat (Aree protette Po Piemontese) | Clothes | 10.00 € | |
| | Gray T-Shirt with Fish Drawing (Aree protette Po Piemontese) | Clothes | 7.00 € | |
| | Green T-Shirt with Fish Drawing (Aree protette Po Piemontese) | Clothes | 7.00 € | |
| | White T-Shirt with Fish Drawing (Aree protette Po Piemontese) | Clothes | 7.00 € | |
| | Rucksack of Po Torinese Park (Aree protette Po Piemontese) | Accessories | 6.00 € | |
| | Cap of Po Torinese Park - Black (Aree protette Po Piemontese) | Other Items | 2.00 € | |
| | Cap of Po Torinese Park - Green (Aree protette Po Piemontese) | Other Items | 2.00 € | |
| | Cap of Po Torinese Park - White (Aree protette Po Piemontese) | Other Items | 2.00 € | |