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The report of the plenary workshop in Fonte Cerreto has been published

(22 Lug 14)

The PDF PDF file of the report regarding the second plenary workshop which took place on the 24th of June at the Fiordigigli Hotel in Fonte Cerreto is now available online. The document describes the participation framework concerning the common construction of the Guidelines for the Grazing Regulation which the appointed institutions - Municipalities, Asbuc and park Authority - will approve taking into account what emerged during the participatory process.

The massive participation during the second workshop - which took place from 9.00 pm to 11.00 pm, as breeders asked - of both the stakeholders even coming from very far territories and of the Park's workers who decided to work off duty, represented a significant confirmation of how the participatory experience is slowly becoming a cultural habit in the protected area as a way to debate, to solve problems and to take decisions.

The last territorial meeting, before the project's second phase starts, should take place between September and October. On that occasion it will be necessary to meet the local governments, which play a fundamental role in the implementation of some points of the guidelines, in order to legitimate and share what has emerged until now and to define the draft which will be tested next year.

View the Report (click here).

Protected area: Diverse  |  Fonte: PN Gran Sasso - Progetto Life Praterie
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