(09 Mar 09) Regione Toscana and the Italian Federation of Parks and Nature Reserve, within "Parco Libri – Festival dell'editoria ambientale", in association with Migliarino San Rossore Massaciuccoli Park and the Foundation Montanelli Bassi, announce the
international journalism award IL PARCO IN PRIMA PAGINA Edizione 2009, supporting and promoting the diffusion of the naturalistic, environmental, social, cultural, and economic features linked to the existence of a vast national network of terrestrial and marine protected areas.
The Award is linked to the event
"Parco Libri", dedicated to the communication of the protected areas and held every year in Pisa. It is dedicated to professional journalists who have been signaled both because they often deal with issues related to the park or nature reserve management or to their regional or national systems and for the their efficacy in the diffusion of these issues, even when they regard only one protected area.
To this aim, the Award is divided into 2 Sections:
FIRST SECTION: it is dedicated to journalists who have dealt with the issue "Italian Parks and Nature Reserves" in more occasions and from different points of view, with reportages published in the national or foreign press, daily or periodical, or broadcast in TV or radio, at home or abroad. The prize is of 2,000 Euros.
SECOND SECTION (award Fondazione Montanelli Bassi): it is dedicated to journalists whose reportages are dedicated to the parks or nature reserves of Tuscany, published in newspapers with an important national distribution, also abroad. The prize is of 2,000 Euros.
Each section will admit articles or reportages published or broadcast within 31st December 2008 and submitted,
in two copies, to the Award Secretary within and no later than 31st March 2009. The TV material must be submitted in VHS or Betacam format or DVD format.
The submitted material will not be returned and will remain at the disposal or the organization, that may decide to use it with promotional and information purposes. The material must be completed by a descriptive list, specifying which Section it is submitted for, as well as name, surname, address, telephone contact of the journalist (and, for Italian journalists, of the membership number of Ordine nazionale dei Giornalisti). The selection will be made by a qualified Jury formed by representatives of the world of culture, communication, and journalism. The decisions of the Jury are final. They are valid with the approval of at least the two thirds of the members.
The prize-giving ceremony will be held during the Festival "Parco Libri", in Pisa, from 17th to 19th April 2009.Info:
www.parcolibri.netAward Secretary:
c/o Parco di Migliarino, San Rossore, Massaciuccoli
Località Cascine Vecchie
56122 Pisa