Let's start from the basis that in the stables of the area of Lodi there are about 50,000 milk cows. They are a lot, if we consider the limited size of our province. The local cows can guarantee the production of over 400,000 tons of milk, corresponding approximately to the 4% of the total national production. At least the 30% of the local milk is considered "high quality milk" and is used in the human diet. Some local breeders sell "raw milk", that is milk ready for consumption undergoing neither pasteurization nor sterilization processes, that would irreparably compromise its precious organoleptic features. This is possible thanks to a careful control starting from the diet of the herd and ending at the moment of the sale, when it is directly bottled in the farmstead and then passed to the large retailers, or when it is sold in the vending machines situated in the farmstead. To sum up, a healthy milk with a genuine taste guaranteeing a tasty recovery of our local traditions.
Texts and information taken from the web site of the province of Lodi, edited by the Agriculture and Rural Environment Department (www.lodigianoterrabuona.it).