In the past, when the rounds of Grana cheese - or Granone – had some faults, the part that did not mature well was taken off with a big blade, scratching and giving the flawed balls to farmers. Afterwards, when this by-product of the Grana cheese processing began to be sold – at a lower price – it remained for years a product for the poor. Over the years, it transformed itself from a poor food to a delicious product. Today they do not use flawed rounds, but top-quality cheese. As a matter of fact, Raspadüra is obtained from a particular variety of Grana from the area of Lodi, with a reduced size (about 35 kilos) and a short maturation period of about 6/8 months. The round is split in two, and then – with an operation requiring skill and experience – very thin veils of cheese are scratched from the heart of each half, rotating a special blade.
Texts and information taken from the web site of the province of Lodi, edited by the Agriculture and Rural Environment Department (