
Regnano Bread

Features: potato bread cooked in wood-burning oven.
Produced in squeezed loaves. Each loaf weighs 800 grams. Color of the crust: golden brown. Inside, the bread has the characteristic color of the semi-wholemeal bread, is compact, and has an intense wheat perfume.

Ingredients: white flour, boiled Regnano potatoes, a handful of superfine flour, sourdough starter, yeast, water, salt.
Regnano potatoes are registered in the list of the Traditional Agri-foodstuffs of Tuscany.

Regnano Bread is used during meals but, for the presence of potatoes among the ingredients, it has a pleasant sweet aftertaste.
Cut into slices, it is ideal in soups and crostini.

At the moment, Regnano bread is produced only at a family level. However, a bakery will open soon in Regnano, and will give the opportunity to continue with the production and sale of this kind of bread.
For information: Bakery "La Marocca di Casola" di Fabio Bertolucci, Frazione Casciana - Casola (MS) Tel. 340/6899209

How to reach Regnano
Highway A 15 La Spezia - Parma, exit Aulla. Take SS 63 direction Fivizzano and follow the road signs to Casola. Once you are in Casola, go ahead for about 6 km.

In Regnano, the Association "Amici di Regnano" has been organizing for 26 years, at the end of July, the "Sagra del Pane di Regnano" (Regnano Bread Festival).

Regnano Bread
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