
Parco delle Alpi Marittime


Rye Civilization Museum

Specialties: Traditions
12010 Sant'Anna di Valdieri (CN)
Municipality: Valdieri
Region: Piemonte

Inaugurated in September 2009, this small museum in Sant'Anna di Valdieri country hamlet is part of the Rye Ecomuseum. It is not a museum dedicated to cereals, but a museum of tale and traditions with rye as their common denominator.
A tale leading visitors to lands where houses are covered with straw, to places where time is marked by seasons, propitiatory rites, night meetings in the stables.
A route to understand, in a critical way headed to the future, the balances regulating the relationships between man and the mountains: this is the philosophy followed by the architects Bollano and Peano in the museum planning. As a matter of fact, they have created display structures recalling natural shapes, combining materials of the mountain traditions with steel and glass elements.
The museum halls house sections dedicated to the botanical and cultivation aspects of rye; multimedia points tell about the rye bear and bread making; rotating panels explain the medical uses of the cereal and the relationship between rye and sorcery.
And again, straw roofs, bio-architecture, local craftsmanship, and an interactive archive collecting material (books, documentaries, interviews) on the activities carried out by the Rye Ecomuseum, including the documentary film by Sandro Gastinelli, "I giochi di una volta di Prezzemolo".
Opening times: For the visits, please contact: the shop-inn "I Bateur", Tel. +39 0171 976718 or Alpi Marittime Park, Tel. +39 0171 97397.

For visits in other days and hours, please contact: Shop-Inn "I Bateur", Tel. +39 0171 976718 or Parco delle Alpi Marittime, Tel. +39 0171 97397
Rye Civilization Museum
Rye Civilization Museum
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