Venaria Reale economic enterprise - edition September 1983
Anastatic printing of the first rigorous historical survey on La Mandria di Venaria Reale, from its origins to the late 18th century. This text recovered authentic information on the events linked to horse breeding for the House of Savoy, completing the oral tradition that limited its functions to the 19th century military needs. The publication deals with the breeding methods used, the administration of the complex structure depending on Venaria Reale, the cultural destinations of the big enterprise, and its integration with the territory. It has been used as the essential text for all the subsequent surveys. By the same author, the studies on the complementary Mandria di Chivasso and the 19th century events.
- Author/s: Leila Picco
- Publisher: Edizioni EDA - Torino
- Pages: 120
- Size: 15x21cm
- Year: 2005
- Price: 8.00 €
Item temporarily sold out at Emporio dei Parchi