Territory, hunting, and horse breeding for the court and the army
The work, in two volumes, deals with Mandrie Reali of the House of Savoy by analyzing
them in detail. Particular attention is dedicated to Regia Mandria
della Venaria, "La Mandria" par excellence, considering in detail its
history. Such work seems to be useful within the promotion activity of
Venaria Reale. It is a publication whose aims are historical diffusion characterized by particular attention in the research of the sources.
- Author/s: Cecilia Laurora, Claudio Masciavé, Maria Paola Niccoli, Guglielmo Racca
- Publisher: Edizioni EDA
- Pages: 440 (vol. I), 408 (vol. II)
- Size: 22x31.5cm
- Price: 45.00 €
Item temporarily sold out at Emporio dei Parchi