
Invasive alien species, a serious threat to the insular systems: comparing management experiences

31st March - 2nd April 2014, workshop in Portoferraio, Elba Island (LI)

(Portoferraio, 20 Mar 14) Within the Life Montecristo 2010 project entitled "Eradicazione di componenti floro faunistiche aliene invasive e tutela di habitat e specie nell'Arcipelago Toscano" (Eradication of invasive alien wildlife and plant species to safeguard the habitats and the species in the Tuscan Archipelago), the Tuscan Archipelago National Park will organize in Portoferraio - from the 31st of March to the 2nd of April 2014 - a workshop entitled "Le specie aliene invasive, una grave minaccia per i sistemi insulari: esperienze di gestione a confronto" (Invasive alien species, a serious threat to the insular systems: comparing management experiences).

An international meeting of high scientific level which not only the President Giampiero Sammuri will take part in, but also many researchers coming from Italy, Spain, France, the USA and Canada.

The workshop is free and open to all those who are interested in participating. For organizational reasons it is anyway necessary to register by filling the registration form and sending a scan of it to the e-mail address
The registration form, the invitation and the program.

Hike in the Montecristo Island until places are available, some places will be reserved for the speakers and for the members of the technical team of the working group. For organizational reasons it is necessary to register within the 25th of March 2014 to take part in the hike.

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