
GS19 - Mundu and Galasia Waterfalls on Barvi Stream

International Geological Site

Waterfalls are a characteristic element of the Aspromonte Geopark landscape and their importance is related to the particular geological, hydrographic and tectonic conditions of the area. In particular, the suggestive and varied waterfalls on the Barvi stream, called "Mundu" and "Galasia", are the pilot geological site of international importance of Landscape 2, Area of the Gioia Tauro Plain. Set on very ancient crystalline-metamorphic rocks, they are located in a "geological border" area between the Aspromonte and Serre massifs and tell us the story of the emergence from the sea... but they also contain unique micro-environments and other priceless treasures... the prehistoric fern Woordwardia radicans.

Municipality: Molochio (RC) Region: Calabria
(42328)Landscape 2 Piana di Gioia Area: Photo 3. Galasia waterfalls
Landscape 2 Piana di Gioia Area: Photo 3. Galasia waterfalls
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