
La Via di Tramonti

Where the world becomes a story. Campiglia - Sant'Antonio

  • Trail Conditions: On foot
  • Departure: Campiglia
  • Arrival: Località Sant'Antonio (Colle del Telegrafo)
  • Duration: 2 hour/s 45 minutes
  • Length: 5.147 km
  • Difference in height: 200m

Sometimes, even when we long to leave the everyday behind and connect with the world around us, the world seems to hide, withdraw, or elude us. In those moments, things happen that we can't quite understand, despite our best efforts. And that's why, ultimately, humans tell stories. Or rather, legends. We tell legends to dispel fear, make sense of the unexplainable, and weave a deeper connection to the world around us through the fabric of imagination.

Why is there a jagged, two-and-a-half-meter stone standing alone in a clearing? Why did a family of newts choose a fountain adorned with Templar symbols as their home?

The Tramonti region is steeped in legends - a land full of mysteries. It's a place to explore with curiosity, letting imagination fill in where reason sometimes cannot.

La Via di Tramonti
La Via di Tramonti
*: only Operators with Accommodation Page
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