From the bridge over the Fosso of Camaldoli one goes immediately up into the forest, which offers rare views of the monastery, and then keeps going until reaching the Cotozzo Refuge, which can provide a modest emergency shelter. The trail continues among beech trees and giant firs, first running into the Fontana della Duchessa, and shortly afterwards the paved road (to be followed uphill) between the Holy Hermitage and Fangacci Pass. One soon reaches the beautiful glade of Prato alla Penna, and from there the Fangacci Pass, cutting through the beech forest. One continues following the road for a few hundred metres, then returns to the ridge path that forks immediately. Turning left it takes less than half an hour to arrive at Mount Penna, a recommended detour because of the extraordinary views of the rugged forest-covered valleys that converge towards lake Ridracoli. The Alta Via, on the other hand, continues going up Poggio allo Spillo (1438 m) and, shortly thereafter, leaving the ridge at Crocina Pass to travel downhill along the steep Fosso del Puntone, to the clearing of Campo all'Agio. From there, by going left one goes straight to Carbonile Refuge, along the road to Mandrioli Pass. Alternatively, one can go directly to Badia Prataglia, where the ancient abbey church is well worth a visit.