A stage to leave the forests around Baadia Prataglia and reach Vallesanta, at the entrance of the Verna Sacred Mount.
One can shorten the hike going directly to Mandrioli Pass and avoiding the detour to Frassineta.
From the Carbonile, one follows the road towards Mandrioli Pass for a few hundred metres, then turns left towards Lupatti Pass; from there one reaches Mandrioli Pass by going along the ridge. From the pass one goes on a rocky mule track that heads east, until skirting Mount Zuccherodante on the Tuscan side. Shortly thereafter, one meets the path that descends from Serra Pass, a mountain pass crossed by a mule track which for centuries was an important route between Romagna and Central Italy. In a landscape now more open, one follows the route of the ancient road towards Vallesanta, the valley of Corsalone stream domi- nated by the outline of Mount Penna. Touching first the houses of Serra and then those of Corezzo, one descends to the valley floor of the Corsalone, then goes uphill on the opposite side of the valley to Frassineta, which is in a nice, panoramic location. Shortly afterwards one goes back down to the valley bottom at Rimbocchi, a place that may be reached directly from Serra, this way avoiding a great deal of difference in height.