
Parco Nazionale delle Foreste Casentinesi, Monte Falterona, Campigna

7 - Rimbocchi - La Verna

Casalino and the difficult uphill road

  • Trail Conditions: On foot
  • Interest: Religion
  • Departure: Rimbocchi (Cà Santicchio) (544m)
  • Arrival: La Verna (1,128m)
  • Duration: 3 to 4 hours
  • Length: 7.2 km
  • Difference in height: Uphill 580m

From Rimbocchi one follows the road to Chiusi for just a short distance, then crosses the stream and goes up to Casalino. Afterwards, a steep climb leads to the ridge above and then from there it passes the road that circumnavigates Mount Penna. One soon reaches the foot of the cliffs, hiking through ancient landslides shrouded by forest, until arriving at the base of the cliff of Precipizio; the buildings of La Verna appear on its top. Once through the gate, the hiker meets the old cobbled path that climbs from La Beccia, the main pedestrian access to the monastic citadel. Along this road St. Francis climbed the mountain for the first time nearly eight centuries ago, greeted by a flock of birds in celebration.

La Verna
La Verna
*: only Operators with Accommodation Page
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