The History
The first traces of olive cultivation date back to the Roman domination, when they encouraged the growth of this activity and of the olive oil production, which led to the birth of many trapetum. With the arrival of the Benedictine monks to the Abruzzi, which occurred in the 12th century, the economic and social development enjoyed a boost, and from the abbeys (S. Clemente a Casauria, S. Maria Arabona, etc.) they laid the basis to start cultivating the olive trees again.
Nowadays, most of the olive tree production in the territory is obtained by using only three varieties, such as the Gentile di Chieti, the Dritta and the Leccino, as well as many other local varieties of particular interest. Dritta and Toccolana are the most widespread varieties in the area of Pescara; Carboncella, Tortiglione and Castiglionese are mainly used in the area of Teramo; the tender Ascolana in the Marches and the Leccino, which is used almost all over the territory. Such a variety of cultivars, combined with the different climate and pedology conditions, leads to different varieties of extra-virgin olive oils: those with a light and delicate smell on the hill areas, and those with an intense fruity and slightly spicy and bitter taste in the inland areas. The protected area features two PDO olive oils produced in two zones of excellence: Aprutino-Pescarese and Colline teramane-Pretuziano.