
Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio
Nationalpark Stilfserjoch

Cancano Information point and mountain bike rental

23038 Cancano (SO)
Municipality: Valdidentro
Region: Lombardia

Tel. 338/2344813

Situated at the entrance of the Fraele Valley, beyond the Scale Lake, the "Cancano" seasonal Information Point offers the opportunity to rent the mountain bikes to those visitors who look for a different hike that can combine sport and nature. There are many cycling-hikes available: from the tour of the two lakes of Cancano along an extremely relaxing itinerary also suitable for families, to the Decauville panoramic street up to Arnoga, or the itineraries along the valleys Alpisella, Forcola, Pettini, Vezzola and Gallo.
By the info point you can find the information materials about the Stelvio National Park, and you can also rent the nordic walking poles.

Opening times: Temporarily closed

Entrance fee: PDF Download the pdf with the fee list
Cancano Information point and mountain bike rental
Cancano Information point and mountain bike rental
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