
Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio
Nationalpark Stilfserjoch

The Monumental Larches Staircase

  • Trail Conditions: On foot
  • Interest: Flora, Panorama

    Information in Rabbi Visitor Center (TN)
    Tel. and Fax +39 0463 985190

    In Val di Rabbi, and more precisely on a steep slope delimiting Prà di Saènt, there is an educational-naturalistic itinerary leading to the discovery of about twenty giant centuries-old larches concentrating at an altitude of about 2,000m, in one of the most charming areas of Stelvio National Park, also known as one of the realms of marmot.
    The project, called "La Scalinata dei Larici Monumentali" (The Monumental Larches Staircase), is based on an emotional-scientific approach giving these trees the role of protagonists of the life in the Park, reserved up to this moment to the animals, witnessing at the same time the new management trend that was inaugurated a few years ago, according to which we aim not only at protecting the heritage represented by the Park Authority, but also at making it available to a large number of mountain and alpine nature lovers

    Twenty-three imposing larches wave their top with their curious shapes in upper Val Saènt along the naturalistic-didactic itinerary "La scalinata dei larici monumentali": 700 steps along a stone route opening with a map indicating the laps of the charming itinerary. The wonderful green giants have their story written in their trunk: the highest one reaches almost the 40 meters, the biggest one has a trunk circumference of 5 meters, the oldest one is almost 500 years old. Their name is representative of their shape: it is easy to see, along the route ending in Malga Vecia (1,900m), "Il dinosauro - The dinosaur", "Due vite - Two lives", "Il grande piede - Big foot".

    The Monumental Larches Staircase - The big arch
    The Monumental Larches Staircase - The big arch
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