
Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio
Nationalpark Stilfserjoch

Val de la Mare: The Tour of the Lakes

Val di Peio

  • Trail Conditions: On foot
  • Interest: Flora, Wildlife, Panorama
  • Departure: Diga di Malga Mare
  • Duration: 5 hour/s

The itinerary is interesting both for its floristic features (Carex magellanica Auct., Silene acaulis, (L.) Jacq, Primula spectabilis Tratt., Pulsatilla alpina ssp. Apiifolia (Scop.) Nymann, Rhodiola rosea L. Gentiana clusii Perr. et Song. e G.verna L.) and for its landscape. It leaves from Malga Mare dam, where you will take trail no. 102 towards Malga Mare. The trail crosses a mixed conifer woodland housing giant specimens of Swiss Stone Pine. A colony of marmots lives in Pian Venezia, where a mountain hut of Stelvio National Park and a picnic area can be found. In the north-west, there are sheepbacks of glacial origin. After about 2 hour walk, you get to Larcher Mountain Hut, where it is easy to meet the stoat. From the mountain hut, take trail no. 104 towards Marmotta Lake, where it is possible to sight the rock ptarmigan. You will take then trail no. 123 leading towards Lago Nero (offering a view over Lago Lungo below) to reach the big artificial basin of Caresér, whose dam was built after WWI for hydroelectric purposes. From here you can enjoy a wonderful view of Caresèr Glacier. Go ahead along trail no. 123 which quickly and with various hairpin bends leads you back to the woodland and the car park of Malga Mare. The walking time of the itinerary is about 5 hours.

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