
Parco Nazionale dell'Appennino Lucano
Val d'Agri - Lagonegrese

Geologia dell'ambiente

Periodical of SIGEA (Italian Group of Environmental Geology) - Supplement to no. 2/2011

Proceedings of the national meeting
"Il Patrimonio Geologico: una risorsa da proteggere e valorizzare"
29th-30th April 2010
Sasso di Castalda - Potenza

The publication of the proceedings of the national meeting held in Sasso di Castalda on 29th-30th April 2010, which wondered about the actions to implement to protect and enhance the great Italian geological heritage, represents the natural conclusion of a long, meticulous, and appreciable scientific work that will give the opportunity to enhance the important scientific and environmental features represented by the "geosites": a heritage that can lead to new occasions of growth and development, above all in the tourist field. To mention only a few considered in this volume: Campomaggiore vecchio, Sirino Lake, the area of the bridge of Ferrovie Calabro Lucane in Lagonegro, the Carbonate Ridge of Maddalena Mountains, the Medieval Castle and the Church of S. Maria Assunta in Laurenzana.
  • Author/s: Mario Bentivenga
  • Publisher: Parco Nazionale Appennino Lucano Val d'Agri Lagonegrese / SIGEA - Società Italiana di Geologia Ambientale
  • ISBN: 1591-5352
  • Pages: 490
  • Size: 15.5x24.5cm
  • Year: 2011
  • Price: 15.00 €  
Geologia dell'ambiente
Geologia dell'ambiente
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