A guide to the trails region after region
With the motto "To meet God in the Creation", the section of Salerno of
Club Alpino Italiano launched in 1996 the initiative to dedicate, in each Italian region, a trail of particular naturalistic, historical, and religious interest to the Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati (1901-1925), the young man from Turin who loved the mountains and considered them "something great, a means to elevate the spirit, a gym where to toughen up the body and the soul". Developing throughout Italy, the project "Sentieri Frassati" is defined by the national presidents of the Associations having among their members Pier Giorgio (
Cai, Azione cattolica italiana, Giovane montagna, Fuci) and by the presidents of the Scouts of Agesci a precious educational project towards a global approach to the mountains, considered as a gym that trains, a school that educates, and a temple that elevates your soul.
In cammino sui Sentieri Frassati indicates non only the geographical coordinates with the precious contribution of the Italian Mountain Authority, but above all the human coordinates thanks to the several companions who invite you to stop, reflect, and look "above", following the path of Pier Giorgio. In order to make the walk along Frassati Trails a life experience whose final destination is not the achievement of the summit, but a renewed and strengthened interior richness.
- Edited by: Antonello Sica
- Publisher: AVE
- ISBN: 978-88-8284-564-3
- Pages: 160
- Size: 12x19cm
- Year: 2010
- Price:
10.00 €
Special price 7.00 €