
"Ponte della Barca"

Cycle-pedestrian Itinerary in the Municipality of Ostiano

  • Trail Conditions: On foot, By bike
  • Interest: Panorama, Hystory
  • Departure: Castello
  • Arrival: Castello
  • Length: 10 km

The main aim of this bike bridge is to recover an ancient way of communication bordering the bed of the river Oglio, along the left bank in the east-west main route. It crosses the course of Mella almost near its confluence with Oglio.
The historical importance of this route, built in medieval epoch, is witnessed by different elements: the most significant one is the presence of five Romanesque-style "Pievi", or country churches, along the route; they are set out according to a straight line, and demonstrate the existence of the path also in those stretches where it was lost during the latest century.

Pontoon Bridge
Pontoon Bridge
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