
Parco Naturale Paneveggio - Pale di San Martino

Siror Smoked Meat

Product obtained using beef round cuts left standing in a dry pickle for some time and then smoked. To be consumed raw.

Processing, conservation, and maturation methods
The round cuts are obtained from the deboned beef leg. After removing the grease from the round cuts, they are put into a roast-like net and then into a special food plastic container with a dry pickle consisting of salt, pepper, laurel, juniper, rosemary, and eventually other natural spices, preservatives (potassium nitrate) and antioxidant E300, for a period of 15 days. During this period, the round cuts are turned over in order to obtain a uniform salting. The beef round cuts are left drying in a special premise and then smoked in the oven with leaf wood sawdust and juniper branches giving to the product the characteristic perfume and taste. Afterwards, smoked meat is left in a maturation premise for at least one month. After the maturation stage, it is ready to be sold.

Raw materials
The ingredients and materials used are beef, string net, salt, pepper, and natural spices.
As far as the equipment used, it includes food containers and a smoking oven.

Characteristic meat conservation method used in the production area already from the beginning of the latest century. A butcher's shop from Siror has been producing it for about thirty years.

Siror Smoked Meat
Siror Smoked Meat
The Producers
Typology: Butcher's Shops
Locality: Siror (TN)
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