
Parco Naturale Regionale delle Prealpi Giulie

Fiorina bean of Lusevera

Friuli's mountains are characterized by the old tradition of the bean cultivation, which is usually carried out in small plots belonging to families. This makes the conservation of local varieties possible; one of them is the Fiorina bean. This bean was named after the woman who cultivated and kept it for many years: Ms. Fiorina from Micottis. Thanks to her it is still possible to admire and taste this particular bean which is cultivated in some districts of the village. The beans are similar to the roman beans, both of them are used for the production of the typical purée of the Alta Val Torre, also known as "Stak".

Projct partners: local producers, Municipality of Lusevera, Kmečka Zveza, Prealpi Giule Nature Park Authroity.

Further information

Giant Fiorina Bean
Giant Fiorina Bean
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