
Parco Naturale Regionale delle Prealpi Giulie

Fontanon di Goriuda

From Fontanon di Goriuda, after a winding route among waterfalls, meanders, and siphons, the waters sinking on the Italian slope of Mt. Canin come out.
It is a spectacular spring representing the karst catchment basin situated at a higher altitude than the real saturated area of the massif.
From a geological point of view, Fontanon is linked to the formation of Dolomia Principale forming the basement of Mt. Canin plateau. The downflow of water within this cave has torrential features; the temperature of water, rather constant all year round, is about 5°C. The cavity is accessible for a few meters on foot, then it is necessary to use a rowing boat if you want to reach the final stretch of the siphon that has been partially explored by the divers expert in speleology.

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(7672)Fontanone Goriuda
Fontanone Goriuda
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