Parco Lombardo della Valle del Ticino (scale 1:50.000)
"Carta dei percorsi ciclopedonali del Parco Lombardo della Valle del Ticino" represents a functional network of trails in the Park and some connection stretches with important elements of the territory, in particular with other protected areas and with railway stations.
This map would like to be a useful instrument if you want to visit the territory on foot or by bike, alone or with the help of a tour guide.
Many of the trails included in this map belong to the so-called "Vie Verdi" (Green Trails), that is pedestrian and cycle routes - mainly ring-routes - with different length and difficulty level.
- Publisher: Consorzio Parco Lombardo Valle del Ticino - Istituto Geografico DeAgostini
- Size: 12.5x23cm (closed)
- Year: 2012
- Scale: 1:50.000
- Price: 3.00 €