Flora Fauna Mammals Reptiles Birds Birds of prey Amphibians Insects Landscapes Localities Events Inaugurations Meetings Local Products Sport Trekking Cultural Heritage Small Towns Castles Churches Archaeological Sites Museums Villas Custom and Usage Miscellaneous Park Structures Head Offices Visitor Centers Botanic Gardens Recreational Areas Environmental Education Workshops Tours Water Historical Photos LIFE projects Eco-Cluster Fotofungo 2013
Discover some of the most characteristic aspects of the Park. Click on the icons to enlarge the photo!
Hedgehog (PR Vena Gesso Romagnola) | Rio Basino gorge (PR Vena Gesso Romagnola) | The blind valley of Rio Stella (PR Vena Gesso Romagnola) | Wolf (PR Vena Gesso Romagnola) |
Common Bent-wing Bat (PR Vena Gesso Romagnola) | Terebinth (PR Vena Gesso Romagnola) | Plio-Pleistocene gullies between Val Lamone and Val Sintria (PR Vena Gesso Romagnola) | The ancient Road of the Donkeys in Brisighella (PR Vena Gesso Romagnola) |
View of Piazza dei Parchi from above (PN Appennino Tosco-Emiliano) | The fountain, a sculpture by Cascella, in the middle of the Square (PN Appennino Tosco-Emiliano) | The marble of Apuane and the water of the Apennines meet in the work of art (PN Appennino Tosco-Emiliano) | Cave (PR Vena Gesso Romagnola) |
Geology (PR Vena Gesso Romagnola) | Vena del Gesso Romagnola (PR Vena Gesso Romagnola) | (PR Cento Laghi) | In the European Day of Parks, the Board of Directors in Ligonchio. (PN Appennino Tosco-Emiliano) |
Landscape (PR Frignano) | Grazing sheep (PR Frignano) | Cow (PR Frignano) | Grazing sheep (PR Frignano) |