Flora Fauna Mammals Reptiles Birds Birds of prey Amphibians Insects Landscapes Localities Events Inaugurations Meetings Local Products Sport Trekking Cultural Heritage Small Towns Castles Churches Archaeological Sites Museums Villas Custom and Usage Miscellaneous Park Structures Head Offices Visitor Centers Botanic Gardens Recreational Areas Environmental Education Workshops Tours Water Historical Photos LIFE projects Eco-Cluster Fotofungo 2013
Discover some of the most characteristic aspects of the Park. Click on the icons to enlarge the photo!
Hikers on Mount Caio (PR Cento Laghi) | MTB (PR Cento Laghi) | Mountain Bike (PR Cento Laghi) | Warm in the wood (PR Cento Laghi) |
Little carnations at high altitude (PN Appennino Tosco-Emiliano) | Sunset of Vallesanta (PR Delta Po ER) | Campotto di Argenta (PR Delta Po ER) | (PR Delta Po ER) |
Trunk and wet meadows (PR Delta Po ER) | Traversing wood (PR Delta Po ER) | By boat and by bike in the valleys (PR Delta Po ER) | Campotto di Argenta: sunrise (PR Delta Po ER) |
Pine forest of San Vitale (PR Delta Po ER) | Pine forest of San Vitale and Pialassa (PR Delta Po ER) | Fossatone (PR Delta Po ER) | Bassa del Pirottolo detra (PR Delta Po ER) |
Eco-museum of the swamp herbs (PR Delta Po ER) | Eco-museum of the swamp herbs, immersive room (PR Delta Po ER) | Eco-museum of the swamp herbs (PR Delta Po ER) | Eco-museum of the swamp herbs (PR Delta Po ER) |