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The Parks Info Point is back along the Trail of Love
(19 Lug 11) Every year Cinque Terre are visited by millions of tourists coming from all over Italy and all over the world. Tourists, especially foreign tourists, are very surprised to discover that, in just 80 km of territory, there are eight parks, including three national parks (Appennino Tosco-Emiliano N...
Protected area: PN Appennino Tosco-Emiliano  |  Fonte: PN Appennino Tosco-Emiliano
The Trail of Love, downtown of "The Sea and Apennines Parks"
The heart of Appennino Tosco-Emiliano National Park becomes for one week the center of the international world of education
(30 Giu 11) From Saudi Arabia to Ligonchio, from Australia to Ligonchio, from Japan to Ligonchio. To create a dialog between the culture of the Atelier and the natural environment. For the first time, a group of one hundred people formed by teachers, workshop artists, didactic directors, and educato...
Protected area: PN Appennino Tosco-Emiliano  |  Fonte: PN Appennino Tosco-Emiliano
In Ligonchio from 20 foreign countries for Reggio Children study group, between education and environment
(31 Mar 11) The strong will of the operators of Cerreto Laghi for the evolution of their town center from "skiing station" to "tourist locality", that is a "town" characterized by the presence of the Park and environmental quality. This is what emerges from the first steps of the p...
Protected area: PN Appennino Tosco-Emiliano  |  Fonte: PN Appennino Tosco-Emiliano
With Eco-cluster, a "town" environmentally sustainable instead of the "station" Cerreto Laghi
(01 Mar 11) The 2011 call for proposals has been published on 26/02/2011, with a deadline for submission for the 18/07/2011. The LIFE+ program comprises three components: LIFE+ Nature & Biodiversity LIFE+ Environment Policy & Governance LIFE+ Information & Communication Provisional calendar of t...
Protected area: Diverse  |  Fonte: Redazione
LIFE+ 2011 call for proposals
(02 Feb 11) The Ramsar Convention, celebrating today its 40th Anniversary, is the oldest global environmental treaty and it is specifically focused on one ecosystem – wetlands. Under our definition these are very diverse in structure, function and location, occurring from the mountains to the sea on all contin...
Protected area: Diverse  |  Fonte: Redazione
The Ramsar Convention - 40 years of caring for wetlands
The role of the National Park, whose forests cover 72% of the land area
(23 Gen 11) UN declared 2011 as "The International Year of Forests" in order to "raise awareness on sustainable management, conservation, and sustainable development of all types of forests". The forests are integral part of the global sustainable development: the economic activities ...
Protected area: PN Appennino Tosco-Emiliano  |  Fonte: PN Appennino Tosco-Emiliano
2011: International Year of Forests
From 9th October to 14th November, the menu becomes local and seasonal
(30 Ott 10) 27 restaurants joined the 3rd Contest "Menu a Km Zero", organized by Appennino Tosco-Emiliano National Park in collaboration with the provincial federations of Coldiretti from Lucca, Massa Carrara, Parma, and Reggio Emilia. 4 restaurants will compete in the Province of Lucca, 7 in ...
Protected area: PN Appennino Tosco-Emiliano  |  Fonte: PN Appennino Tosco-Emiliano
27 restaurants competing in the Park contest "Menu a Km Zero"
(01 Gen 10) Between Cisa and Forbici Passes, the forest ridges separating Tuscany from Emilia give way to a real mountain environment. The summits of Alpe di Succiso, Mt. Prado, and Mt. Cusna go beyond the 2,000 meters, the forests give way to rocks, lakes, and high-mountain grasslands. At lower altitudes, on t...
Protected area: PN Appennino Tosco-Emiliano  |  Fonte: PN Appennino Tosco-Emiliano
A National Park between Europe and the Mediterranean Sea
24th May 1909 - 24th May 2009: 100 Years of Parks in Europe
(06 Mag 09) The European Day of Parks will be celebrated on 24th May and, as every year, the initiative of the European Federation of Parks repeats itself, to remind the day when in 1909 the first European park was established in Sweden. This date has without a doubt a great symbolic value, and for this reason ...
Protected area: Diverse  |  Fonte: Redazione
The European Day of Parks 2009
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