The Astronomical Observatory is a center dedicated to research, didactic, and scientific activities - in particular, astronomical scientific activities. It is situated on the summit of Mt. Rufeno (738m asl), in an early 20th century farmstead renovated by Monte Rufeno Regional Nature Reserve to offer the opportunity to better discover the sky.
The structure is dedicated to both school groups and single visitors. It is available all year round, by day and by night, both for the direct observation of the main astronomical objects with the telescope and to organize special interactive didactic packages on demand. As a matter of fact, the Observatory also houses a planetarium artificially reproducing the vision of the night sky with all its movements.
The main telescope, whose primary mirror has a diameter of 60cm, gives the opportunity to "learn the sky" by directly observing what it is not possible to see with the naked eye, but also to enjoy and spend a pleasant day or night surrounded by the universe we live in, using a wide range of means of communication: interactive and multimedia instruments and specific scientific didactic labs. The building is completed with an accommodation structure welcoming 20 guests for the night visits.
The duration of the stay and the activities can be changed on demand, adding personalized issues according to the school program or other modules you can find in the catalogue.