Main Features
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    Alice's Path - Stage 6bis (PR Boschi Carrega) (photo by Archivio Parchi del Ducato)

In this page, you will find a list of accessible trails. The aim is to illustrate and enhance projects and situations carried out in the territory to promote accessibility for people with disabilities, since the direct contact with the natural environment should always be an incentive to improve everybody's personal life.

13 Itineraries. Results from no. 1 to no. 13Sorting: Georef. > Itinerary


Georef. ItineraryTravelling method Interest
A Trail for All... SensesA Trail for All... Senses
Highly Accessible Trail
(PN Foreste Casentinesi)
On foot Accessible TrailOn foot
Alice's PathAlice's Path
For people with disabilities and with vision impairment
(PR Boschi Carrega)
On foot Accessible TrailOn foot
Alice's Path - Stage 1Alice's Path - Stage 1
Tappa 1: Alice's Path
(PR Boschi Carrega)
On foot Accessible TrailOn foot
Alice's Path - Stage 2Alice's Path - Stage 2
Tappa 2: Alice's Path
(PR Boschi Carrega)
On foot Accessible TrailOn foot
Great interest: Flora Great interest: Wildlife 
Alice's Path - Stage 3Alice's Path - Stage 3
Tappa 3: Alice's Path
(PR Boschi Carrega)
On foot Accessible TrailOn foot
Alice's Path - Stage 6Alice's Path - Stage 6
Tappa 6: Alice's Path
(PR Boschi Carrega)
On foot Accessible TrailOn foot
Great interest: Flora Great interest: Wildlife 
Alice's Path - Stage 6bisAlice's Path - Stage 6bis
Tappa 6bis: Alice's Path
(PR Boschi Carrega)
On foot Accessible TrailOn foot
Great interest: Wildlife 
Alice's Path - Stage 8Alice's Path - Stage 8
Tappa 8: Alice's Path
(PR Boschi Carrega)
On foot Accessible TrailOn foot
By bike between Harbour and SaltworksBy bike between Harbour and Saltworks
Loop trail from Cervia natural park, Butterfly house, MUSA (Salt Museum), saltworks visitor centre and back
Departure: Parco Naturale di Cervia
(PR Delta Po ER)
By bike Accessible TrailBy bike
Great interest: Wildlife 
By bike through the historyBy bike through the history
An itinerary to discover the origins of the river mouth territory and its reclamation by man
Departure: Bosco della Mesola
(PR Delta Po ER)
By bike Accessible TrailBy bike
Great interest: Wildlife Great interest: History 
Lagdei Peat Bog through the SensesLagdei Peat Bog through the Senses
(PN Appennino Tosco-Emiliano)
On foot Accessible TrailOn foot
Great interest: Flora Great interest: Wildlife 
Pedalling within the pinewoodPedalling within the pinewood
There-and-back itinerary from La Bevanella visitor centre, to the church of Classe and Classis Museum
Departure: Centro Visita La Bevanella
(PR Delta Po ER)
By bike Accessible TrailBy bike
Great interest: History 
The Heart of the Park - Walking... BismantovaThe Heart of the Park - Walking... Bismantova
(PN Appennino Tosco-Emiliano)
On foot Accessible TrailOn foot
Great interest: Panorama 
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