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    Curly broccoli (PN Maiella) (photo by PN Majella)


28 Products. Results from no. 1 to no. 20 (Sorting: Category > Product)


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Quality Brands

  "De vièrne" Pear"De vièrne" Pear
The fruits have a small-medium size, rhomboid-shaped, and a green color becoming red when they are r... >>
(PN Maiella)
  Gelata AppleGelata Apple
Gelata apple has been named after its characteristic vitreous pulp, deriving from the gelatinization... >>
(PN Maiella)
  Limoncella Apple, Meloncella, Lemon AppleLimoncella Apple, Meloncella, Lemon Apple
The fruits have a medium or medium-small size and a conic-spherical or cylindric-conic and often asy... >>
(PN Maiella)
  Mangione AppleMangione Apple
Apple with small-medium size fruits and a generally ellipsoidal shape found in the area of Pizzoferr... >>
(PN Maiella)
  Paradiso AppleParadiso Apple
The fruits are characterized by an irregular shape (they are asymmetric), mainly spherical-flat. The... >>
(PN Maiella)
  Piana Apple, Casolana Apple, or Altino ApplePiana Apple, Casolana Apple, or Altino Apple
They are tough trees with very scented and medium-size fruits with the characteristic flat-rounded s... >>
(PN Maiella)
  Pomo di Renzo PeachPomo di Renzo Peach
Peach variety with a tomentose peel and a basic yellow color partly covered by evident reddening. Li... >>
(PN Maiella)
  St. John PearSt. John Pear
Summer pear with small-size and pear-shaped fruits; its peel has a basic yellow color, with localize... >>
(PN Maiella)
  Testa Rosce PeachTesta Rosce Peach
Peach variety characterized by a late ripening (October), with small-medium size fruits and a toment... >>
(PN Maiella)
  Thirty-three Ounce PearThirty-three Ounce Pear
A variety ripening in winter, with rather big and egg-shaped fruits, with a green color almost entir... >>
(PN Maiella)
  Tinella AppleTinella Apple
Autumn variety very widespread locally in the past, appreciated for its good taste and long preserva... >>
(PN Maiella)
   Extra-virgin Olive Oil
In the Park territory several typologies of extra-virgin olive oils obtained from local varieties ar... >>
(PN Maiella)
  "Socere e Nore" Bean"Socere e Nore" Bean
Variety with an oval bean and a black and white skin; the two colors cover the bean symmetrically. I... >>
(PN Maiella)
Vegetables and Legumes
  Ancient Borlotto BeanAncient Borlotto Bean
Found in two Park locations, it is similar to the common borlotto bean, but has a smaller and round ... >>
(PN Maiella)
Vegetables and Legumes
   Aquilano Bean
Bean with an ivory color, very appreciated both fresh and dry. It is often cultivated together with ... >>
(PN Maiella)
Vegetables and Legumes
  Cannellino BeanCannellino Bean
It is still widespread in many Park locations. It has a white and usually tapered bean. In the past,... >>
(PN Maiella)
Vegetables and Legumes
  Coffee BeanCoffee Bean
Small beans with a color going from pale green to light brown, characterized by the presence of a da... >>
(PN Maiella)
Vegetables and Legumes
  Curly BroccoliCurly Broccoli
It distinguishes itself from the other broccoli for its curly leaves with a marked serrated edge and... >>
(PN Maiella)
Vegetables and Legumes
  Forty-day BeanForty-day Bean
Variety with a fixed growth, with a small-medium size bean, squashed and generally with an oval shap... >>
(PN Maiella)
Vegetables and Legumes
  Gentile, Minutillo or Monachelle BeanGentile, Minutillo or Monachelle Bean
This bean belongs to the genus Vigna and not Phaseolus, and it has been found in several locations (... >>
(PN Maiella)
Vegetables and Legumes

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