The itinerary called "Percorso Ciclabile Boschi e Campagna" (Woods and Countryside Cycling Route) is a cycling ring-route which, leaving from Grange di Front country hamlet in the Municipality of Front, crosses loc. Vaude, and reaches the gates of Case Sparse country hamlet, that is SP road no. 13.
The itinerary is formed by one trail and gives the opportunity to carry out a shorter ring-route, thanks to a connection trail situated halfway.
Along the itinerary, visitors will have the opportunity to enjoy the countryside landscape of the plateaus in loc. Vaude, where meadows and cultivated fields alternate with tree lines and new wood formations. Locally, it is possible to meet orchards and irrigation ditches. Near the town of Grange di Front you will find the cool habitats of common ash, hornbeam, and chestnut tree woods rich in important shrubby formations like the glossy buckthorn, the hazelnut tree, the common hawthorn, the cornel, the common dogwood, the spindle, and the bird cherry.
From this itinerary, you can access the "Percorso Naturalistico del Rio Verdeis" (Rio Verdeis Nature Trail) characterized by important wood formations.
Also accessible by bike.
Road bottom: dirt road