
Parchi e Riserve del Canavese


Rio Verdeis Nature Trail

  • Trail Conditions: On foot
  • Duration: complete circuit (trail 7): 65 minutes
  • Difficulty Level: suitable for every kind of training
  • Difference in height: 70m

The itinerary called "Percorso Naturalistico Rio Verdeis" (Rio Verdeis Nature Trail) is formed by a ring-route developing around the upper course of Rio Verdeis, leaving from the south-western outskirts of Grange di Front, country hamlet in the Municipality of Front. The itinerary involves the Municipalities of Front and Rivarossa.
Along the itinerary, formed by tracks, trails, and dirt roads, hikers can enjoy the beauty and coolness of the natural woods dominated by English oaks, hornbeams, cherry trees, maples, and black alders.
The habitats are enriched by the presence of important shrub species like the glossy buckthorn, the hazelnut tree, the common hawthorn, the cornel, the common dogwood, the spindle, and the bird cherry. Locally, it is also possible to find invasions of Prunus serotina, exotic arboreal species considered invasive in our environments.
In the upper stretch of the trail you will go along some meadows of the plateau of cascina Carignina and cascina Chiantora, in the Municipality of Rivarossa.
An asphalt road gives the opportunity to reach the itinerary also from Palazzo Grosso country hamlet, in the territory of the Municipality of Vauda Canavese.
From this itinerary you can reach the so-called "Percorso Ciclabile Boschi e Campagna" (Woods and Countryside Cycling Route) developing across the plateaus of loc. Vaude in the Municipality of Front.

In several short stretches also accessible by mountain bike.
Road bottom: dirt road and trail

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