
Parchi e Riserve del Canavese


Le Sabbionere Nature Trail

  • Trail Conditions: On foot
  • Duration: complete circuit (trails 4-5-6): 1h 25 minutes
  • Difficulty Level: suitable for every kind of training
  • Difference in height: 250m

The itineraries marked with the words "Percorso Naturalistico Le Sabbionere" (Le Sabbionere Nature Trail) form a circuit of trails developing on the slope exposed to the north-west, that is on a homogeneous territory as far as naturalistic and landscape features are concerned, wet and shady.
The habitats you will cross consist of thick downy oak and chestnut tree woods, locally interrupted by natural populations of black alder and by the recent natural penetration of important forest species like the common ash, the maple, and the cherry tree.
In the lower areas, near the banks of Rio Livesa or the talwegs irregularly crossing the slope, you can touch precious wetlands housing rare and endemic species like Osmunda regalis and Drosera spp.
On the whole slope, the granite tends to come to pieces and to alter, forming the characteristic gully-like areas of coarse sand, locally called "sabbionere". These fascinating natural morphologies were exploited in the past for the quarry providing coarsely grained sandy material.
The circuit touches the country hamlets of Trucchi and Pemonte, in the Municipalities of Valperga and Prascorsano, and meets the CAI itineraries no. 421 and 422.
The itinerary is formed by various trails:

  • Trail no. 4, representing the main trail, runs along Rio Livesa, developing in a minor valley rich in interesting wetlands. Along the way, you will touch two big-size Sabbionere. The road bottom mainly consists of a carriage road and is completed by limited stretches of trail.
  • Trail no. 5 gives the opportunity to climb to the Sanctuary leaving from trail no. 4, and represents an interesting alternative if you leave from Trucchi country hamlet.
  • Trail no. 6 represents an alternative if you want to access the Sanctuary from Pemonte, connecting trail no. 4 with trail no. 5, a short cut if you start the visit in a concentric way.
  • Trail no. 7 is a secondary connection trail with the circuit and gives the opportunity to visit the upper section of the slope and connect with trail no. 5, leaving from the SP road leading to the Sanctuary.
  • Trail no. 8 represents the connection between the circuit of Le Sabbionere (Trail no. 5) and the Pedestrian Road of the Shrines (CAI Trail 422).

Road bottom: dirt road and trail

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