
Parchi e Riserve del Canavese


The Royal Fern Nature Trail

  • Trail Conditions: On foot
  • Duration: complete circuit (trail 7): 65 minutes
  • Difficulty Level: suitable for every kind of training

The itineraries marked with the words "Percorso Naturalistico La Felce Reale" (The Royal Fern Nature Trail) form a circuit of trails developing on the slope exposed to south-east, that is on a territory with homogeneous naturalistic and landscape features, dry and rocky.
The habitats you will cross are characterized by thin coppice chestnut tree woods alternating with natural clearings, small and traditional terraced vineyards, outcrops of Belmonte pink granite, and thermophile shrub species formations. In the area, characterized by a dry and not very fertile soil, it is possible to admire some botanical features including the Royal Fern, a protected species, the wild heather, several species of brooms and the dog rose. In the wettest places, it is also possible to find the rare and endemic Osmunda regalis and Carex polyphyta.
Because of its xeric conditions and southern exposure, the area has often suffered fires, whose signs are still visible in some areas of the slope.
From all the trails forming the itinerary you can enjoy a beautiful panorama over the underlying valley and the towns of the upper Canavese area. The pink granite outcrops, locally called "Roc", the presence of the traditional dry-stone walls, and the last characteristic vineyards clinging to the slope enrich the route.
The circuit suggests shorter or longer trails, touching Pemonte, Piandane, Riborgo, and loc. Remondata country hamlets in the Municipalities of Valperga and Pertusio.
The itinerary develops along three main trails:

  • Trail no. 1 represents the main trail, and is also called "Roc Macagn" Trail. It connects Pemonte country hamlet to loc. Remondata, meeting at about halfway CAI 423 hiking trail.
  • Trail no.  2 consists of a carriage road connecting Riborgo country hamlet to cascina Remondata and representing an alternative to the stretch Remondata-Valperga.
  • Trail no. 3 leaves from Riborgo country hamlet and gives the opportunity to carry out a shorter route.

In several stretches also accessible by mountain bike.
Road bottom: dirt road and trail

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