
Parchi e Riserve del Canavese


CAI 421 Trail

  • Trail Conditions: On foot
  • Duration:  40 minutes
  • Difficulty Level: suitable for every kind of training
  • Difference in height: 240m

The itinerary CAI 421 represents the traditional way to reach the Sacred Mountain for the community of Cuorgné. The route joins the itinerary CAI 422 a few dozens of meters after the 15th Shrine of the Rosary.
The trail leaves from Santa Lucia country hamlet in the Municipality of Cuorgné, where there is a small car park equipped with benches and panels. Go ahead by crossing rio Livesa along a trail at the shadow of a coppice chestnut tree wood. Along the trail, you will see an old abandoned wash house used in the past by the inhabitants of the country hamlet. At Trucchi country hamlet in the Municipality of Valperga, the itinerary continues along a dirt road developing among villages, meadows, and coppice chestnut tree woods. 
The whole itinerary involves the Municipalities of Cuorgné and Valperga.

Road bottom: trail, dirt road and pebbled road

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