
Parchi e Riserve del Canavese


Ancient Pedestrian Trail of the Tabernacles - The Pilgrim's Route

  • Trail Conditions: On foot
  • Interest: Religion, Hystory
  • Departure: Valperga, chiesa parrocchiale (385m)
  • Arrival: Belmonte (706m)
  • Duration: 1 hour/s
  • Difficulty Level: T - Tourist (level)
  • Difference in height: 321m
  • Recommended Period: from January to December

On Foot

Wonderful itinerary on foot. Along it, an event is organized every year on August 17th by all the citizens of Valperga and other people, with departure from the square of the Parish Church (for information, please contact Don Catti by calling the number 0124/617174) and along L'Antica Via pedonale (The Ancient Pedestrian Trail), also called Via dei Tabernacoli (Trail of the Tabernacles), also called Percorso del Pellegrino (The Pilgrim's Route).
It leaves from the square passing under an ancient portico and it climbs along steep and silent trails leading to the medieval San Giorgio Church (described in the Points of Interest) and to the Castle of Valperga Earls. Go beyond Sant'Apollonia small church where, between 1973 and 1974, an important necropolis dating back to the Iron Age was found, and continue until you reach the Sanctuary.
The itinerary is scattered with the Mysteries of the Rosary, painted on 15 Shrines. The tabernacles were built between 1878 and 1880, during the enlargement and stabilization works of the route, aiming at making easier the uphill path and at enabling the passage of light vehicles. The Shrines were built by religious men and women, parish priests, and rich families that welcomed with enthusiasm the idea of the canon Giuseppe Borrone from Salassa.
You will find then the Chapel of the Samaritan, welcoming the pilgrims and offering them shelter under the shadow of its roof. Unfortunately, the two life-size scagliola statues - Jesus sitting at Sichem well and the Samaritan with the jug - are no longer in the chapel.
After a few steps more, jumping on the monumental staircase in front of the former Restaurant that will be soon renovated, you will reach the square of Belmonte Sanctuary.

Road access: From Turin take SS 460 that, passing through Leinì, reaches Rivarolo Canavese and continues to Valperga. The stretch from Turin to Valperga is also served by SATTI bus and railway lines.
Tickets and timetables can be found in the departure station.

Where to Sleep:
Cuorgnè - B& BLa Maddalena - Fraz. Ronchi Maddalena, loc. Fantini, 17 - Tel. 0124/68568 mobile 349/4640393
Albergo Armony – Via Don Minzoni, 4 - Tel. 0124/657452
Rivarolo - Albergo Europa - vl. Losego - Tel. 0124/25872
Albergo La Pista - c. Indipendenza, 74 - Tel. 0124/428927

Where to Eat:
Prascorsano Bar Restaurant - La Società Coop. Via Villa, 23 - Tel. 0124/698135
Buasca - Restaurant Buasca - Fraz. Buasca - Tel. 0124/651115
Cuorgnè - Ramo Verde - Loc. Pedaggio Vl. Dei Mille, 2 - Tel. 0124/657219
Sant'Anna - Via S. Anna, 21 - S. Anna - Campore - Tel. 0124/666584
S. Lucia - Loc. S.Lucia 6/B Tel. 0124/657301
Valperga - Soc. Coop. Agric. Oper. Fraz. Gallenca - Tel. 0124/617205
Isola di Filippo.C via P. Grosso, 23 - Tel. 0124 617105

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