
Parchi e Riserve Naturali Cuneesi


Points of Interest

Alta Valle Pesio e Tanaro Park

The Wildlife Observatory
You can reach the Observatory from Madonna d'Ardua or from Pian delle Gorre, situated in location Canavere. In it there are some deer specimens which, after a period of acclimatization, are set free in the territory of the Park. The females give birth within this faunal enclosure so that the whelps spend here the first months of their life.

Pis del Pesio Waterfall
You can reach the place from Pian delle Gorre. It is the outlet of the subterranean stream gathering the waters of the above-lying Conca delle Carsene. The jet of water is seasonal because of the spring floods (April - May) or after strong storms. The cavern showing through the wall is the entrance to a cave which enters the mountain for about one kilometer.

St. Mary Charterhouse
It is an extraordinary architectonic group situated in the heart of the Pesio Valley. It was founded in 1173 and its austere walls guard precious artistic evidences, among which a 15th century fresco, a 16th century cloister, and an ancient abbey dating back to the 12th century. The latter has been recently restored and has consequently recovered its ancient solemnity: besides the wonderful entrance portal with a round arch and a keystone with a carved cross, it preserves a 14th century bas-relief inserted in the altar and representing the Baptism of Christ and the Annunciation. Open during the whole year.

Park Museum - "Centro Aldo Viglione"

Permanent exhibit of 300 pictures by Michele Pellegrino

In the headquarters of Ente di Gestione Parchi e Riserve Naturali Cuneesi, Chiusa di Pesio (CN) Via S. Anna, 34

The Museum of Alta Valle Pesio e Tanaro Park "Centro Aldo Viglione" is open to the public. The exhibit prepared in the seat of the Park Authority in Chiusa Pesio houses three hunderd black and white photos taken by Michele Pellegrino. The route develops into eight sections: the places of water, ordinary wonders, visages de la contemplation, Alta Langa, wedding scenes, Alpi Liguri Marittime and Cozie, Monte Bianco, and a trace in time. The latter section is the largest one and houses everyday life scenes of the 70s. The aim of the Park Authority is to present the regional environmental heritage and to sensitize the visitors as far as the recovery and the enhancement of the naturalistic heritage are concerned.
"I immortalized the water spurting from the springs of the valley, the typical local houses, the faces of the friars and of the nuns of the Charterhouse, and the looks of the brides and grooms - explains the photographer Michele Pellegrino. They are atmospheres which otherwise would get lost."

Opening Hours: From Monday to Thursday, from 9.00 a.m. to noon and from 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. - On Saturday from 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. - On Sunday: from 3.00 p.m. to 7.00 p.m.
Entrance on payment: 3 Euros full ticket; 2 Euros reduced ticket (for children from 6 to 14 years old and for adults over 65).

Meeting Hall
Built next to the Photography Museum, is a very modern premise able to welcome about 200 persons. Ideal for meetings, congresses, conferences, educational and study initiatives; it is provided with a multimedia structure.

Crava - Morozzo Nature Reserve

Rocca dè Baldi Castle
Built by the Lords of Morozzo in the 13th century, the Castle overlooks the village and it is characterized by a crenelated tower. Within the Castle displays and art exhibits are organized, and there is the Provincial Ethnographic Museum A.Doro. Guided tours are possible (Tel. 0174/587605).

St. Biagio Monastery
It was founded in 1014 on the ruins of a pre-existing chapel, and it was extended in different phases during the following centuries. The church reaches its greatest extension in 1300, with a nave and two aisles, and the bell tower. Around 1700 the church area is reduced to allow the extension of the parish house and of the farmhouse.

Brichetto di Morozzo Sanctuary
It is a 12th century sacred building dedicated to Our Lady of the Assumption. Inside there is only one nave with semicircular apse and valuable 15th century frescoes by Giovanni Mazzucco, which have been recently restored.


Augusta Bagiennorum Nature Reserve

The Historical Town Center of Bene Vagienna
The town has been ruled in different epochs by bishops, the Savoia family, the Costa di Chieri family, and it has known long periods of economic prosperity. Evidence of it are the number of high-class buildings and palaces: the Palace of the Marquises of Villar (15th and 17th centuries), the Magistrati Palace, the Giriodi di Monastero Palace, the Lucerna di Rorà Palace (housing the Civic Museum, with a room dedicated to Napoleon), the Parish Church, and the Church of St. Francesco.


Sorgenti del Belbo Nature Reserve

In the Villa country ward there is the medieval tower dating back to 1268, which was built by the Incisa di Camerana and which has been recently restored. The Church of the Annunziata is worth a visit: it has been planned by the architect Francesco Gallo, with a marvellous façade and only one stone nave.

The parish church dedicated to St. Benedetto was built in 1713 with the material obtained by the demolition of the ancient Church of the Mille.

In Saliceto there are interesting and valuable works of art, such as the frescoes in the 14th century Palace of the Marquises of the Carretto; the Renaissance Church of St. Lorenzo, with a three-portal façade, one nave and two aisles, the dome decorated with bas-reliefs, and the pulpit in sandstone; St. Agostino Chapel with 15th century frescoes; the Church of St. Martino with the apse painted in fresco and the Romanesque bell tower.


Ciciu del Villar Nature Reserve

Villar S. Costanzo Parish Church
The 18th century church includes the valuable remains of the ancient abbey: a Gothic keep, the 14th century bell tower, and the 12th century crypt which is possible to visit from the church chorus. From the sacristy you can reach St. Giorgio Chapel, a 15th centuty funerary mausoleum rich in frescoes by Pietro da Saluzzo.

S. Costanzo al Monte
Built in the 12th century in Romanesque-Gothic style, this church is one of the most valuable religious monuments in Piemonte. It is situated on the slopes of Mount St.Bernardo, the martyrdom place of St. Costanzo. It presents outside three semicircular apses and inside one nave and two aisles with 26 pillars dominated by Romanesque capitals, and a crypt with one nave and two aisles.

Visitor Center of Ciciu del Villar Nature Reserve
Visitor Center of Ciciu del Villar Nature Reserve
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