

The Authorization Certificate

All the projects regarding maintenance, installations, works, activities that have to be carried out in the territory of the Protected Area (Park and Adjacent Area) need the previous issue of the authorization certificate (Articles 40 and 49 of Regional Law LR 6/2005)

The request for the issue of the authorization certificate must be sent to the Park after filling in the form and attaching all the necessary documents for the execution of the preliminary inquiry. The results of the procedure will be ready within 60 days after all the documents and the complete request have been received. After this period of time, the authorization certificate is issued.

In case of incomplete documents, the Park Authority will inform the applicant within 20 days after the request has been received. The deadline for the issue of the authorization certificate accrues from the day in which all the necessary documents to formally complete the request have been received. Once the request is formally complete, the Park Authority will inform the applicant that the procedure has started, according to Law 241/90.

The deadline of the procedure can be postponed, only for once, of further 30 days, for needs deriving from a complex preliminary inquiry, with an eventual motivated and detailed request of further documents, that is in case it is necessary to require the advice of experts in the field, including, for Regional Parks, the Technical-Scientific Committee. In this case, the deadline for the tacit consent procedure will accrue from the day in which the further documents requested have been received.
For further information, please revert to the reference legislation, in particular "Direttiva sulle modalità specifiche e gli aspetti procedurali del rilascio del nulla-osta nelle Aree protette regionali" (Directive on the specific procedure aspects for the issue of the authorization certificate in the Regional Protected Areas - PDF Resolution of the Regional Committee no. 256/2010)

We would like to specify that all the projects regarding maintenance, installations, works, activities that have to be carried out in the territory of the Protected Area and belonging to one of the following cases, do not need the previous issue of the authorization certificate:
1. measures carried out by the Park Authority, or by the Authority entrusted by it in case of Nature Reserve, in order to implement the goals of the Protected Area within the tasks specified in LR 6/2005 articles 18 and 44;
2. measures carried out by the Park Authority, in case of Protected Areas interested by Natura 2000 Network sites, explicitly provided for in the conservation measures or in the management plans of such sites and considered as directly linked and necessary for the maintenance of a satisfactory state of conservation of the species and habitats present in the same sites, provided that the implementation measures specified in the conservation measures or management plans are respected;
3. measures established within plans or programs that have been approved by the Park Authority and that, during this procedure, have not been defined as measures requiring the issue of the authorization certificate, according to what established by LR 6/2005 articles 39 and 48;
4. activities like agricultural and zootechnical practices, as allowed in the establishment statute and in the planning and management instruments of the Protected Area.

Adventure Parks

Adventure Parks

SIC/ZPS IT4020020 Crinale dell'Appennino Parmense - Site of the Natura 2000 Network

Natura 2000 is the name the Council of the European Union gave to a coordinated and consistent system (a "network") of areas dedicated to the conservation of the biodiversity in the territory situated in the Union and to the protection of a series of habitats, animal and plant species and of a series of migratory species which usually come back to Italy. The Natura 2000 Network, in compliance with the "Habitat" Directive (art. 3), consists of the Special Areas of Conservation (SCAs) and of the Special Protection Areas (SPAs).
For further information about the Natura 2000 network in Italy

In the territory of the Parco Regionale delle Valli del Cedra e del Parma there is part of the SCIs/SPAs "IT4020020 CRINALE DELL'APPENNINO PARMENSE"
The Executive Committee, with decision No. 37 of October 12th, 2012, adopted the proposals of "Misure Specifiche di Conservazione" (Spcific conservation Measures) and of "Piano di Gestione" (Management Plan) for the part of SCI/SPA IT4020020 "Crinale dell'Appennino Parmense", located in the territory of the Parco Regionale delle Valli del Cedra e del Parma.

Bike rental

Bike rental

Fishing Regulations

Fishing regulations in the waters of Cento Laghi Park - year 2013

Fishing Provincial Decree and Resolutions

Lakes with special regulations

(Useful information for the purchase of the daily and seasonal passes)
On Sunday 1st May 2011, the fishing season opens in the Lakes with Special Regulations: Ballano Lake (Monchio delle Corti-PR) and Gemini Lakes (Lagoni, Corniglio-PR).
(In any case, fishing is not allowed if the lakes are partially or entirely frozen).
Fishing in Gemini Lakes and in Ballano Lake is allowed for fishermen having a valid amateur fishing license, a card indicating the catch according to art. 16, comma 3 of L.R. n.11/1993, and is allowed only after receiving a card issued by the Park Authority as a contribution for the administrative and management expenses.
You can find all the useful information for the purchase of the Seasonal or Daily Pass in the attachments below. Download them!!!

Fishing Regulations

Regulations for the management of wildlife hunting in the adjacent area

Regional Law no. 6/2005 (and subsequent amendments) has given the Parks important function and competence in the field of wildlife safeguard and management, but also in field of hunting management in the Adjacent Areas (Pre-park areas). Specifically, according to Art. 38 "Gestione faunistico-venatoria nelle aree contigue ai Parchi regionali" (Wildlife hunting management of the areas adjacent to Regional Parks):

  1. In the areas adjacent to Regional Parks, hunting is admitted if it is programmed hunting and the access to hunters is admitted according to the criterion of the programming of the access, giving priority to the hunters who are residents in the Park Municipalities and in the adjacent area.
  2. Specific regulations, adopted and approved according to the procedures of art. 32 and lasting at least two years, set the measures to regulate the wildlife hunting activity in the adjacent area.
  3. The measures regulating the hunting activity mentioned at comma 2 and the eligible hunting density in the adjacent area must guarantee a lower hunting pressure if compared to the hunting pressure of the relative neighboring hunting areas.
  4. The Park Authority directly manages the hunting activity in the adjacent areas, by previous agreement with the Province or other subject, if it has been entrusted to it by signing an agreement.
  5. The Park managing authority can consider the presence of incomes deriving from the services carried out to enable the practice of the hunting activity.

Since 2012, following the entering into force of the Regional Law 24/2011 about the reorganization of the Regional System of the Protected Areas and of the Natura 2000 Network's sites, and regarding the establishment of the Stirone and Piacenziano Regional Park, the management of the Cento Laghi Park has been entrusted to the Ente di Gestione per i Parchi e la Biodiversità Emilia Occidentale.

In compliance with the article 6, clause 4, letter h of the Regional Law 24/2011, the Executive Committee of the Managing Authority is in charge of the approval of the Parks' and Nature Reserves' Regulation, after the consultation with the related Provinces.

As far as the hunting activity in the Cento Laghi Park's adjacent area is concerned, the hunting seasons 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 is ruled by the Decision of the Executive Committee No. 21 of March 15th 2013.

The "Area Vigilanza Ambientale e Gestione Faunistica/CRAS Casa Rossa/Centro Referenza Lupo/Volontariato" is in charge of the faunistic-hunting issues, with Mrs. Margherita Corradi as person in charge. The operational headquarters is the Centro Levati- Via Olma 3 43038 Sala Baganza (PR) Ph. and fax +39 0521/833440 - E-mail:

Hunting seasosn 2013-2014 and 2014-2015


Young wild boar
Young wild boar
Roe deer
Roe deer

Damages caused by the wildlife to agriculture - Requests for inquiry and compensation

Inquiry and compensation expenses regarding the damages to agriculture caused by the wildlife are to be paid by the Province if the damage occurred in the Park area or in the pre-Park area where hunting is not allowed and if the damage has been caused by species whose hunting (in the pre-Park area) is not allowed, also temporarily (L.R. 6/2000).

The Park Authority will pay the inquiry and compensation expenses of the damages to the agricultural productions caused by wildlife species whose hunting is allowed (in the pre-Park area).

The request for compensation can be submitted by farmers according to what established by art. 2135 of Codice Civile. Farmers must have VAT number.

Download the request form for enquiry and compensation (PDF - 48Kb) at the expenses of the Park.

Damages caused by the wildlife to agriculture - Requests for inquiry and compensation

Useful Telephone Numbers

  • C.A.I. section of Parma Tel. +39 0521 984901 - Fax +39 0521 985491
  • National Forest Service (for guided visits in Guadine Pradaccio Nature Reserve, by previous booking) Tel. +39 0521 889146-235808
  • Toll-free number to provide information on woodland fires in Emilia Romagna Tel. 1678-41051
  • National Forest Service Environmental Emergencies 1515
  • Toll-free number Mountain Rescue Service 1678/48088

Useful Telephone Numbers

Head Offices

The legal offices of Cento Laghi Park are situated in Via Parco dei Cento Laghi, 4 in Monchio delle Corti (43010) in the Province of Parma.
Tel. +39 0521 896618 - Fax +39 0521 896742

The detached offices of Cento Laghi Park are situated in loc. Ex Colonia Montana, 1 in Corniglio (43021) in the Province of Parma.
Tel. +39 0521 880363 - Fax +39 0521 881287

Info Points

  • Albergo Ghirardini Bosco di Corniglio - Tel. +39 0521 889123
  • Rifugio Lagdei x Loc. Lagdei - Corniglio - Tel. +39 0521 889353

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