
Septem Maria Museum

c/o Consorzio di Bonifica Polesine-Adige-Canalbianco Idrovora Amolara
45011 Adria (RO)
Municipality: Adria
Region: Veneto

Tel. 0425/21530 - Fax 0425/26270

Septem Maria Museum focuses on the issue of water and is situated in a building depending on water.
The name "seven seas" given to this territory by the historian Pliny the Older justifies the opening in this area of a museum dealing with the history of water, that is with the relationship the various civilizations set up with water, considered both as a resource and as a problem for man.
Opening times: Every day from 9.00 to19.00
Entrance fee: Full ticket: €uro 2,00 Reduced ticket: €uro 1,50

Booking in advance by calling the number. 0425 21530

Septem Maria Museum
Septem Maria Museum
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