
Protected Area

Identity Card

  • Land Surface Area: 5'500.00 ha
  • Regions: Piemonte
  • Provinces: Cuneo
  • Municipalities: Borgo San Dalmazzo, Castelletto Stura, Centallo, Cervasca, Cuneo, Fossano, Montanera, Rittana, Roccasparvera, Roccavione, Salmour, Sant'Albano Stura, Trinità, Vignolo
  • Establishment Measures: LR 3 12/02/2007
  • PA Official List: EUAP1200



The Gesso e Stura Natural Park

With the Italian Regional Law no. 11/19, in force since Friday 19 April, the Piedmont Region approved the expansion of the territory of the Gesso and Stura River Park, also changing the name and status of the reserve area, which has become "Gesso e Stura Natural Park". The four new Municipalities that become part of the Park territory - Fossano, Trinità, Salmour and Rittana - bring the total of adherents to 14. With this expansion, the Park reaches an extension of 5,500 hectares (1,500 more than the previous structure), with a total population of 120,000 residents, while the kilometers of river included in the area become 70. It is an area on the outskirts of the city centre, where inhabited areas combine with production plants, urban garden areas and natural environmental sites. The environmental quality of the park can be deduced by its faunistic and vegetation features. At the moment, 214 bird species (22 of them are listed in the Habitats Directive), 25 mammal species, 54 diurnal Lepidoptera (one of them is listed in the Habitats Directive), 41 dragonflies, 8 reptiles, 9 amphibians (4 of them are listed in the Habitats Directive) have been recorded. The vegetation is characterised by large areas of forest (more than a quarter of the total), wood arboriculture, arable lands and grasslands. Oak and black alder forests represents areas of great interest, which are widespread near areas with high water retention due to the presence of springs.

All the following links lead to Italian texts

Further information

Photo by The Gesso e Stura Natural ParkStura River
Stura River

Flora and Fauna

The river and peri-fluvial ecosystems protected by the Park are tresure troves of biodiversity and are home to a wealth of fauna and vegetation of particular conservation interest. These can be seen from the number of species currently reported (as far as animals are concerned, there are around 214 bird species, 25 mammal species, 9 amphibian species, 8 reptile species, 54 species of diurnal lepidopterans, 41 species of dragonflies, as well as a considerable number of insects and other invertebrates). They represent an undeniable value for environmental education, as well as an inexhaustible source of discoveries and surprises for nature lovers.

Further information (Italian text)

European bee-eater
European bee-eater


The Park is scattered with elements of particular historical and cultural interest like sanctuaries, chapels, mills, villas, jacks, farmsteads.
The Municipality of Cuneo promotes initiatives with play-educational aims for adults and children: tours, parties, workshops, sports events, meetings and exhibits on issues linked to the local river territory. Specific activities dedicated to schools are also on the program.

Further information (Italian text)


Aquatic environments
Aquatic environments


The Gesso e Stura Nature Park cannot avoid the dialogue and interaction with the agricultural field, which represents at the same time its memory and development engine.
The evolution of the local river and riparian landscape is one of the most important "ecological corridors" linking the mountains to the plain: its evolution has been mainly dominated by the agricultural activity. For this reason, it is essential that agriculture continues to develop in line with the ecological value of the river, contributing to the re-naturalization processes of the territory and the biodiversity safeguard and enhancement measures.

Further information (Italian text)

Cuneo Actinidia
Cuneo Actinidia
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