
Parco Naturale Orsiera Rocciavrè


Points of Interest

Rocciavrè Park

The Traces of the Past

Balm Chanto (Italian text)
Shelter under the rock where semi-nomadic hunters and shepherds lived about 2,500 years before Christ. Since 1983 archaeological excavations brought back to life handmade items made with bones and smoothed stones and rests of pottery. The plain rocky surface is scattered with about fifty cupels (artificial hemispherical cavities dug in the rock) without apparent criteria. They are engravings eroded by the action of atmospheric agents, but which are still visible if the light conditions are favorable.

Rock engravings (Italian text)
In the region of the Italian Western Alps, the rock engravings of Val Pellice, Val Risagliardo, Val Germanasca, and Val Chisone represent the largest known area. The rock engravings of these valleys (also called "petroglyphs") were carved on rocks lying on the slopes and the ridges of the valleys, mainly at an altitude varying between 700 and 2,000m a.s.l.

Military works (Italian text)

Religious works of art (Italian text)

Economic activities (Italian text)

Montebenedetto Church
Montebenedetto Church
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