Re-statement of the events and places of the Holy Land in the religious imagination between the 15th and 16th century
Proceedings of the Study Days which took place on 12th and 13th May
2005 in Laino Borgo. These days, organized by the Documentation Center
Sacri Monti, Calvari e Complessi devozionali europei in
association with University of Calabria and the Study Center
"Enrichetta Caterini" have reawakened the interest for a big value of
Pollino National Park: The Sanctuary of Laino Borgo Chapels.
- Edited by: Amilcare Barbero e Giuseppe Roma
- Publisher: Centro di Documentazione dei Sacri Monti, Calvari e Complessi Devozionali Europei
- ISBN: 978-88-89081-10-5
- Pages: 254
- Size: 21.5x27.5cm
- Year: 2008
- Price: 20.00 €