Loca sancta visitanda in partibus Jerusalem
Ms. G 10 - Library of Casale Monferrato Episcopal SeminaryThe itinerary to Jerusalem is the report of a pilgrimage to the Holy Land carried out in 1469.
The precious document, preserved in the Library of Casale Monferrato
Seminary, is now rediscovered thanks to the patient and clever study,
comment, and comparison work carried out by Pier Giorgio Longo and the
care dedicated by Sacri Monti, Calvari e Complessi Devozionali Europei
Documentation Center.
A travel journey written long ago, but surprisingly modern for the
direct approach to the readers, involving and leading them to directly
take part in the "sacred mysteries" and become the protagonists of the
whole pilgrimage.
- Edited by: Pier Giorgio Longo, Fiorella Mattioli
- Publisher: Centro di Documentazione dei Sacri Monti, Calvari e Complessi Devozionali Europei
- ISBN: 978-88-89081-06-8
- Pages: 238
- Size: 21.5x27.5cm
- Year: 2007
- Price: 20.00 €