Culti, santuari e immagini delle Madonne Nere d'Europa
The theme concerning the Black Madonnas is the key point of a widespread but still not very known phenomenon in Marian art, which is characterized by the dark skin of the Virgin. Beyond the famous sanctuaries of Montserrat in Spain, Rocamadour in France, Einsiedeln in Switzerland, Czestochawa in Poland, Loreto in Italy, the Black Madonnas are also venerated in Sacri Monti di Crea, Oropa and Varese. The different traditions and popular venerations of these Madonnas hide issues involving religious, artistic, historical, anthropological and social aspects. The collection of the reports presented during the conference encourages a deep knowledge of the different realities, it shows the fruitful dialog between scholars and researchers and it fosters the sense of belonging to a common heritage among the religious persons responsible for the different european sanctuaries.
- Author/s: AA.VV.
- Edited by: Lalla Groppo e Oliviero Girardi
- Publisher: Centro di Documentazione dei Sacri Monti, Calvari e Complessi Devozionali Europei
- ISBN: 978-88-89081-23-5
- Pages: 354
- Size: 21,5x30cm
- Year: 2012
- Price: 35.00 €