
Parco Regionale della Vena del Gesso Romagnola

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The new leaflet on Protected Areas has been released
The leaflet, available both online and in print, is also a nice poster depicting all the most impressive views and glimpses of the Emilia-Romagna Region
(15 June 2017) The new leaflet, called “La natura in Emilia-Romagna” (Nature in Emilia-Romagna) briefly illustrates the Protected Areas and their biodiversity, highlighting some opportunities to enjoy this territory – for example, through the...
(Brisighella, 23 May 2014) Romagna's Parks Authority has published the calendar of events 2014: hikes, conferences, workshops, courses, sports, tastings, cinema, music, birdwatching, bat-listening to discover Romagna's natural beauties.Download the Calendar of Events 2014...
(Brisighella, 23 May 2014) After the opening ceremony on May 10th, the Tiberius Cave, in Borgo Rivola (Riolo Terme) has been re-opened since the 17th of May and will stay open on Saturdays in the afternoon and on Sundays. The cave will be open...
(Brisighella, 17 May 2014) Following the endorsement of the Regulation for the Guides of the Vena del Gesso Romagnola Park, and following the assessment interviews, the below listed Park's Guides have been appointed according to their specializations: Hiking guides Bassi...
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